Does the rehabilitation of wildlife have any direct conservation value?
No, however associated activities such as education, public awareness, data collection/sharing and community involvement can benefit wildlife.
How can I tell if a wild bird of prey needs help?
It will be on the ground. Also a raptor on the side of the road that doesn't move when you drive past it - has more than likely been hit.
What form of persecution against birds of prey still exist today?
We see many cases of victims from gunshot, poisoning and steel jaw trap. Some are directly aimed at birds of prey from those unaware of the importance of biodiversity and the benefits of predators in our environment as a whole (such as pest control). Others may suffer from secondary poisoning (lead, chemical, baited carcass) and victims of steel jaw traps (although illegal are still being used).
What makes birds of prey so vulnerable?
Being at the top of the food chain, birds of prey are highly sensitive to changes brought about by human activities (eg. pesticides, land clearance, habitat changes).
Are any of Australia's raptors introduced?
No, they are all indigenous to this country.
What is the most common cause of injury or disease to wild raptors?
Car strike.
How can we help to prevent this?
Remove dead carcasses from roads, especially country roads. Slow down when approaching raptors feeding on roadkill - such as Wedge-tailed Eagles. Remember that this particular bird is large and therefore takes some time to gain lift off the ground. And most will wait until the last minute before fleeing.
Is the Tawny Frogmouth an owl? Is it a raptor?
No and no. Raptors initiate the kill with their feet. Raptor in latin means to "seize and carry away". Frogmouths have very weak feet with small claws unlike the talons of raptors, and they kill with their large strong beaks. They are a nocturnal species, however there are many nocturnal birds other than owls. Owls are raptors because they initiate the kill with their feet and have talons as do the diurnal (active in day) raptors.
As a member of the public, what could we do to contribute that would assist the centre the most?
If you find a raptor and it needs transport, make the effort to bring it to the centre yourself or help to arrange meeting closer or alternatives. Our single largest cost is fuel and time in travel. As a finder you may only be required to make this trip once every few years, but as carers we can be on calls several times a day. Have a thought - we would really appreciate it.